CDK is under the command of Christoph D. Kaderli, Swiss, graduated in Electromechanics.

Living in Brazil for 15 years and here he specialized in carrying out electrical and mechanical technical services in the after-sales area.



After-sales management and technical customer support, 15 years of experience;

Coordination of technical activities, 15 years of experience;

Optimization of administrative processes, 15 years of experience;

Quality control, 15 years of experience;

Training and training for customers, 15 years of experience;

Intercultural mediation, 15 years of experience.


Packaging printing, 15 years of experience;

Flexible packaging, 15 years of experience;

Industrial automation and robotic systems, 15 years of experience;

Electromagnetic recording, 15 years of experience;

Feeding technician, 15 years of experience.

Christoph D. Kaderli


Fluent German, English and Portuguese (living in Brazil for 15 years);

Electromechanical Training, Bern Switzerland (1995 to 1999)


+55 11 98228-8245

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